Intrinsic natural law – unheard of until now – will change the world!
Navigate to Freedom smashes the notion the world’s people must be enslaved in an inhibited, restricted, totalitarian social system. It destroys the idea that everything must be decisively determined and controlled by (incorporated) governments with little or no care for our welfare but what aids their agenda. Democratic socialism, which has become a startling non-sensical willingness to smash the free market system to shreds and replace it with a state-run economy backed by force, with violence for non-compliance, even genocide, is blasted to shreds.
Using observational science and the logic of deductive reasoning, this book explains an entirely different societal platform founded on human nature and twenty natural laws encrypted therein. It rigorously debunks today’s dominant ideas so people will reject them as criminally false. This book shows how free societies may now consign evil democratic socialism to history and how it can be done.
‘Protectures’ replace government. Ethics, rights, morality, and natural law are woven into the Universal Declaration of Independence and the Charter of Individual Rights, pointing to a societal revolution never before witnessed. This is essential work for anyone desiring freedom and building just and equitable societies worldwide.
What's inside the book

Law as you've never been taught
Natural law is the set of universal, eternal and immutable conditions governing behavioural consequences of volitionally conscious beings. Absent compliance with these maxims inherent in the nature and state of Man, the peace and happiness of society can never be preserved.

Rights, ethics, morality, and justic
This Navigate to Freedom book shows that when our actions outwardly manifest honesty, and integrity found within, without which our mental and bodily life could not exist, so the orderliness and morality of our societal structures will correspond.

‘Protectorates’ - not government
Let go of proscriptive (government) statutes and punishments for non-compliance. Fully embrace self-administered protection founded on natural law. Become acknowledged as a founder of the most outstanding social achievement in history.
Will you continue serving criminal injustice and violence that masquerades as government, or Navigate to Freedom?
Will natural law free humanity and change the course of human history?
This book ...
Exposes that ‘positive‘ law that can never secure your freedom.
It describes the crime of initiated force versus morally ‘rightful’ arrest. It defines ethics, morality, justness, and justice, their source and application. It explores ‘independence’ vitality and categorically defines your individual right to life.
It also explains 20 natural laws that render all ‘positive law’ libraries obsolete. It Converts ‘natural law theory’ to ‘existential natural law,’ vastly multiplying its potency. It then offers a Universal Declaration of Independence, a Charter of Individual Rights, and a Constitution of Man.
The Navigate to Freedom book offers a societal revolution that promises to leave a lasting impact and be remembered for centuries to come!
It is a simple story. As governments menace like drunken judges and democracy slumps unconscious on the witness stand, intrinsic natural law evidence arrests both and joyous freedom shockwaves rebound around the globe.
Will you continue serving criminal injustice and violence that masquerades as government, or Navigate to Freedom?
Will natural law free humanity and change the course of human history?